Open positions

See here for more detailed officer descriptions. The following positions are open for this application cycle.

Office of the President

CoSI chair

The CoSI chairs are responsible for running the CoSI lecture series, which invites distinguished speakers from MIT and abroad, and the CoSI discussion series, which consists of seminars and dinner discussions involving students and faculty. Additionally, the CoSI chairs may organize other events and initiatives targeted to promoting scholarly and intellectual interaction among the residents of SP.

Environmental chair

The Environmental chair is responsible for overseeing the composting program at SP social events and in the floor kitchens, running the SP-MORE item donation program within SP, and keeping residents informed of recycling, composting, and reuse policies at MIT. Additionally, the Environmental chair may organize other initiatives and events for the purpose of promoting awareness of environment-related issues.

Outreach chair

The Outreach chair is responsible for organizing events and initiatives for the purpose of establishing and maintaining good relations with nearby residents of Cambridge, and for the purpose of achieving a positive social impact in the nearby community.

Office of Information

Photofile chair

The Photofile chairs are responsible for taking photographs at SP events and publishing them to the SP Flickr stream for public consumption and archival purposes. Additionally, the Photofile chairs may organize other initiatives and events for the purpose of promoting the art of photography among SP residents and creating a photographic record of life at SP.

Prior photography experience, demonstrable with a portfolio or photo collection, is greatly appreciated.

Publicity chair

The Publicity chairs are responsible for publicizing SP events within the House and among the wider MIT community, including authoring and deployment of posters and other visual assets. Additionally, they are responsible for ensuring and verifying compliance with publicity requirements from external funding entities, updating the MIT Events Calendar, submitting to the GSC Anno, and operating SP-related social media assets.

Prior graphics design experience, demonstrable with a portfolio, is greatly appreciated, but is by no means required.

SPTV chair

The SPTV chair is responsible for maintaining the SPTV system deployed throughout SP and developing features and content for the system.

Prior experience with Web development is greatly appreciated.

Applicants considered for this position may receive a technical interview.

Video chair

The video chair is responsible for creating videos that advertise SP initiatives and making video records of SP events.

Web chair

Web chairs are responsible for maintaining SP website and inventory systems, including frontend and backend tasks. Prior software development experience of some form is a prerequisite, with demonstrated prior Web development, sysadmin experience, or database experience are greatly appreciated.

Applicants considered for this position may receive a technical interview.

Office of Resources

A/V chair

The A/V chairs are responsible for overseeing and operating the audio-visual equipment in SP in support of House Government events, and for maintaining the audio-visual equipment in the lounges and common kitchens within the building.

Aquarium chair

The Aquarium chair is responsible for the upkeep of SP's very own fresh-water aquarium in the main lobby. Everyday jobs include feeding the wonderful fishes and aquarium residents and ensuring their home clean and livable (even if yours isn't!).

Plants chair

The Plants chair is responsible for maintaining the plants in SP, as well as running events and initiatives to promote appreciation and understanding of plant life among residents of SP.

Athletics chair

The Athletics committee is responsible for maintaining the athletics equipment in the SP gym, as well as running events and initiatives to promote physical fitness among residents of SP.

Bikes chair

The Bikes chair is responsible for maintaining the common equipment in the bicycle rooms, as well as operating the house bicycle lending program, and running events and initiatives to promote bicycle literacy and usage in SP.

Inventory chair

The Inventory chair is responsible for maintaining SP's collection of front-desk inventory items available for resident checkout, including everything from common household items to board games and movies.

Music chair

The Music chair is responsible for maintaining SP's collection of musical instruments and music-related resources, as well as running events and initiatives to promote the appreciation of music in SP.

IT chair (Printing)

The IT chair is responsible for maintaing the IT equipment in Sidney-Pacific, including at the front desk. The IT chair also manages the printers and the 3D printer on the fifth floor.


The Controller is responsible for processing reimbursement requests for residents and officers incurring expenses reimbursable by SP, and interfacing with the Student Activities Office on financial matters.

Office of Residential Life

Arts chair

The Arts chair is responsible for selecting and maintaining the artwork present in the common areas of the building, and running events and initiatives to promote the appreciation and practice of arts and crafts at SP.

Brunch chair

The Brunch chairs are responsible for organizing the monthly SP brunches, which constitute the largest recurring event at SP.

Coffee Hour chair

The Coffee Hour chairs are responsible for organizing the weekly SP coffee hour events, which constitute the most frequent recurring social event at SP.

Cultural chair

The Cultural chair is responsible for running cultural awareness and exchange events of all scales at SP, from the flagship-level cultural festivals to smaller events like the cultural coffee hours.

The Cultural chair also organizes and operates the Sidney-Pacific Inter-Cultural Exchange (SPICE) program, which organizes groups of residents from diverse backgrounds to discuss selected topics from varying cultural perspectives over dinner.

Outings chair

The Outings Chairs organize a variety of trips and activities for residents, with the objective of encouraging residents to spend time outside of MIT.

Social/Orientation chair

The Social chairs are responsible for organizing the flagship-level social events at SP, including orientation events, dance parties, BBQs, and outdoor movie nights.

Office of the Hall Council

Daily life chair

The Daily Life Chair is responsible for operating and organizing initiatives in SP to promote health and daily well-being among residents.

Interest groups chair

The Interest Groups Chair is responsible for promoting activities related to the various interest-based constituencies of SP, as well as operating the mailing lists associated with these groups.

Wellness chair

The Wellness Chair is responsible for promoting education and awareness of practices promoting health and daily well-being.