Publicity Policy
Postering Policy
For SP residents
SP residents may hang posters on the seven bulletin boards in the building. There is one bulletin board near the mailboxes, one near the computer room, one near the elevators on the north side of the building and one in each of the four elevators. Advertising space is limited, so posters will remain on the boards for one week. Please jot down the date you post on the poster; otherwise, the poster will be removed as they are expired.
For non-SP residents
Non-SP residents may leave posters at the front desk and email the publicity chairs (sp-publicity-chair\ Advertising space is limited, so posters will remain on the boards for two days. Publicity officers will jot down the date on the poster, and remove the poster after this time.
Poster Guidelines
- One poster per event per board
- No larger than 8.5 x 11
- Must bear the date on which it was posted
- Contact information
Posting is not permitted on doors or in hallways or on the exterior of the building. This is to not create extra work for the janitorial staff, to be courteous to our neighbors, and to protect the walls.
Posters that do not observe these guidelines will be removed.
Services offered to SP officers
- SP postering
- Hanging posters on the poster stands in the lobby
- Poster design
- Advertising external announcements/events to SP community
- Printing large & small posters
- MIT campus postering
- Infinite corridor slides
- Lobby 7 & Infinite corridor postering
Poster Creation Policy
Poster requests must be submitted no later than two weeks before the date that they should be posted. If a poster request is being made late the officer must request approval from both their associated SPEC member and the VP of Information. Without this approval Publicity Chairs are not allowed to process late requests. These 2 weeks will be divided into 1 week for design of the poster and 1 week to hang the posters. MIT GSC, LEF & ARCADE sponsored events must have posters up two weeks in advance, so they must be submitted at least 4 weeks in advance.
We are required to reserve Lobby 7 and Infinite corridor space 1 month in advance, so events requesting those spaces must submit their requests at least 1 month before the date the poster should go up.
The publicity chairs will make a final draft version in PowerPoint format, which will be sent back to the event organizer for final revisions and then posted.
SPTV Policy
The Sidney Pacific House Council has automatic permission to place advertisements on the SPTVs. Any other group can submit their advertisement for consideration. Special consideration will be given to events where a significant percentage of S-P residents could be expected to be interested in attending.
The SPTV chairs will try to process requests within a day, but to be safe you should submit ads several days in advance.
Guidelines for SPTV announcements
You may upload a slide to the UPI (Universal Publicity Interface) (TODO link) as an image or PowerPoint file.
- Use landscape style (rather than portrait style)
- Use easy-to-read fonts (i.e. Arial, Times New Roman, Impact).
- Use font sizes of 24pt and above.